My little flower garden


                  This is my little flower garden. I love growing these flowers. We have many kinds of ornamental plants as well as flowering trees in our house. Although the flowers are not blooming , the ornamental plants are very beautiful.

                  My father and I are very dedicated to flower cultivation in our house. Mom helps dad and me but mom is not as good at flower cultivation as dad and me. My brother will not help at all. He doesn't like to grow flowers.

         My father is very fond of anturium flowers. So he has planted a lot of anturium plants and made a beautiful flower bed. It is a flower bed full of big anturium flowers. Father Waterd and fertilised his anturium flower plantation with love.
                    I prefer the flowers that blooming everyday,  smell good and can be offered to the Buddha. Therefore, I have planted many such flowers in our garden. We have to spend time and effort to grow flowers in this way. But I get great pleasure from planting flowers and taking care of them and seeing them bloom and grow beautifully. That happiness is much greater than the time and effort we spend.

          If we don't make beautiful beds with water and fertiliser, when we plant flowers in pots, a herd of petty thieves will come to the flower cultivation that we work hard to grow. They come in search of nectar. The sight of colourful little butterflies flying here and there among the flower trees is a very interesting sight in my mind. Me and my family members get great happiness and mental health from this flower garden. 


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